Chicken Thighs and Fresh Apricots Recipe

This recipe is a two step cooking recipe using Bone-in Chicken Thighs, and fresh apricots, but can be made with dried then reconstituted apricots. Never having made anything with fresh apricots ever, when a package of fresh apricots called to me at Trader Joe’s, I knew I could find something to go with them. That was bone-in chicken thighs that I picked up at the Co-op.

There were some very complicated recipes out there, but this recipe suited my palate.

Some of the ingredients are modified. I am allergic to real maple syrup. I substituted molasses, one small white onion for shallot, home dried rosemary for fresh, olive oil, and red wine.

1 tablespoon oil like avocado oil.
4 bone-in skin-on chicken thighs
salt to taste
10 fresh apricots pits removed and diced.*
1 large shallot minced, about 1/2 cup
2 cloves garlic minced
2 tablespoons dry white wine
2 tablespoons organic maple syrup
1 cup organic chicken stock or bone broth
1/2-1 tablespoon fresh rosemary minced
1 tablespoon organic extra virgin olive oil

Instructions, Tips and Notes can be found here.

For this two-step recipe I used my trusty large cast iron pan to cook the chicken thighs to a golden brown on the stove top and then for the oven stage. The splatter problem was a big mess. I tried a splatter screen, but that was inadequate to stop the splatter. Next time I’ll use my pan cover.

*The package of apricots had seven good sized fruits, which when cut up made plenty of fruit pieces to cook. They do not need to be peeled. Apricots have a tang.

Chicken Thighs with Fresh Apricots Ckatt 6-2021

It happened that a friend from California called while I was cooking. We often talk about recipes and food. It was great fun to be making the recipe and talking about what I was doing. It came time for the maple syrup when using molasses was flash inspiration! My friend approved too. Violà! The sauce was much darker than the original recipe pictured online.

Chicken with Apricots

Using bone-in chicken thighs adds to the body of the sauce. Served with a dollop of Siggi’s Yogurt, which has a creamy consistency, is a tasty accent to balance the flavors together. I’d make it again.

Thanks for stopping by my kitchen.

Take a moment to smile wherever you may be in your day.


About kunstkitchen

Visual artist and writer hunting words, languages, visions, and insight in my kitchen - connecting Art (Kunst) and culture and slow food cooking. Classically trained artist. Paint and draw with traditional materials. Live in the Northland where it's six months of winter. Appreciate the little things in life. Sharing food and art experiences and the lessons that my talented and generous friends have given me.
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7 Responses to Chicken Thighs and Fresh Apricots Recipe

  1. Pingback: Chicken Thighs and Fresh Apricots Recipe – Rosalina Health

  2. mydangblog says:

    Looks delicious! But as a Canadian, I couldn’t imagine being allergic to maple syrup! How does it affect you? A rash or stomach upset or something?

    • kunstkitchen says:

      I wasn’t always allergic to maple syrup. It started some years back. Had brunch – waffels – at my friends’ house. Poured on some real maple syrup. Ate my waffle and then my throat starts itching. Maybe it gets hard to breathe. That’s never good. So, after that I prefer to avoid maple syrup. Sigh…I like maple syrup. Plus, all these new food sites are substituting maple syrup in everything. So, that’s what happened.

  3. Forestwood says:

    This reminds me of an Apricot chicken dish I used to make except yours has added ingredients and look very tasty. Thanks for sharing this. I will try this.

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